Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Promise to You

Hello! I realize I've not been the greatest at keeping you up-to-date with the blog so far this year...the beginning of school has been hectic and busy!! But...I promise to do better! It is my goal to update on or before Monday afternoon (by 3:30) each week!! (I'll try to have it done by Sunday night!)
I'll add spelling words on the right-hand side each week, and I'll let you know what we'll be covering in Grammar & Math and what tests are coming up. Also see the right-hand side of the page for upcoming events!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Making Pies

The main character in our story this week began her own business making pies...she made gooseberry pies, but we made do with strawberry pies. We added a little whipped cream and yummy...they were good!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Me in a Bag

We have spent some time getting to know one another over the last few days. Each student brought a brown paper sack filled with things that told us about them. We enjoyed seeing the items in each bag and hearing about why they were special to our classmates.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Classroom Scavenger Hunt

Today, we went on a classroom scavenger hunt...We had to look for our favorite poster, something with corners, the location of the Kleenex box, and many more things!! We were great direction followers and had a lot of fun exploring our classroom!